
2024年3月14日—OBSStudioisoneofthebestscreencapturesoftwareforfreeifyouarelookingtobroadcastlive,anditworkswithpopularstreaming ...,Thesescreencaptureprogramscaptureascreenshotofthedesktopasanimagefileordigitallyrecordcomputerdesktopactivityovertime.Screenandvideo ...,2024年5月10日—Bestscreenrecordersof2024;1.Camtasia.Recordyourscreenandeditthevideos·Windows,macOS;2.ScreenFlow.Anall-in-onescree...

12+ Best Free Screen Capture Software in 2024

2024年3月14日 — OBS Studio is one of the best screen capture software for free if you are looking to broadcast live, and it works with popular streaming ...

Best Screen and Video Capture Software

These screen capture programs capture a screenshot of the desktop as an image file or digitally record computer desktop activity over time. Screen and video ...

Best screen recorders of 2024

2024年5月10日 — Best screen recorders of 2024 ; 1. Camtasia. Record your screen and edit the videos · Windows, macOS ; 2. ScreenFlow. An all-in-one screen recorder ...

Beyond PrtSc: The Best Screen

Screencast-O-Matic is a free screen-capture utility that lets you take screenshots and record up to 15 minutes of footage from your computer's screen or webcam ...

Free Screen Recording & Video Capture Software

Discover TinyTake Capture, the ultimate free screen recording and video capture software for Windows and Mac. Effortlessly capture screenshots or record ...

Screen Capture Software

The ultimate screen capture & video recording on Windows and Mac. Simple and powerful. Capture images & record videos of your computer screen. Free trial!


Screenpresso is a NEW Light-weight screen grab tool with built-in image editor, user guide generator and sharing options. Get Screenpresso for FREE All Windows ...

The 6 Best Screen Recorders for Windows PC in 2024

2024年3月22日 — Camtasia is one of the most widely used recording software for Windows or Mac. Despite its cost, it's easy to see what makes it so popular. The ...

The Best Screen Capture Software

FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. It allows you to easily capture and annotate ...

The best screen recording software in 2024

2023年11月20日 — The 6 best video capture apps ; Loom for quickly recording and sharing on the desktop ; Camtasia for advanced video editing ; OBS for advanced ...